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The rains of the last few days will improve the quality of Bodegas Piqueras’ grapes for the harvest

The rains that have been recorded in recent days in the region of Almansa have been more than ” like a breath of fresh ai r “. This week’s rainfall will significantly improve the budding of the vineyards in the production area of Bodegas Piqueras for the harvest season, helping to improve the future quality of the clusters, especially in our old vineyards planted on dry land.

Nationally, so far in 2023, we are experiencing one of the driest winters and early spring on record. This context of lack of rainfall has drastically affected all crops and vineyards. In fact, in certain areas of Spain, some plots (especially in rainfed areas) have had problems with the onset of budbreak, and this problem is even more pronounced in warm areas and with certain varieties that are more sensitive
to drought.

Garnacha tintorera and Monastrell are very resistant to the lack of rainfall

Fortunately, in the Denomination of Origin Almansa production area where Bodegas Piqueras is located, most of the vineyards have had a good start to budbreak. This is mainly due to the fact that a large part of Bodegas Piqueras’ planted vineyards are plantations of Garnacha Tintorera and Monastrell, two very drought – resistant grape varieties that have been rooted in our area for decades and are therefore used to surviving in extreme climates.

Another asset we play with in our Almansa Denomination of Origin is the altitude. This means that the nights are colder, and the soils are cooler, which helps the water to be better maintained and therefore the vines have more water reserves
in relation to other appellations of origin closer to the Mediterranean and with lower altitude.

A future marked by climate change

All in all, it seems that climate change is here to stay and is already a clear reality that we will have to live with in our vineyards. Warmer and drier summers are expected along with less frequent but more torrential rains.

Therefore, it will be a key factor to have varieties adapted to these more extreme conditions and to have vineyards in increasingly higher areas. In this context, at Bodegas Piqueras we are fortunate to have the most suitable conditions to face ​this increasingly complicated future for the wine sector at national and international level.

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